Friday, June 29, 2012

The End of Intracoastals

We were able to leave Thursday, June 28 and finish the New Jersey Intracoastal.  Although we have much more water to look forward to, no more that we will travel is designated ICW.  Barnegat Light, along the way:

Hoffman's Marina, in Brielle, NJ, is on 2 sides of this railroad bridge.  We had to go through the bridge to buy gasoline, then come back through to our berth for the night.  As you can see (that's the boat windshield in the forefront of the picture), we're quite close to it.

It stays open for boat traffic on the very busy Manasquan Inlet except when a train comes though, which is 2-4 times an hour all day (commuters).  A whistle blows before it opens and closes, one more among many new and interesting experiences on this trip!

Here is Mary Frances tied at the face dock our first night here.  We look so small because these are fixed, not floating, docks and this picture is taken toward the low of a 4 foot tide.  We moved to a slip our second night, as they needed the long dock for an 85 footer.

The bridge provided more entertainment than expected, as the boat in the picture miscalculated in all the tide and current and was swept into the side of the railroad bridge.  The 47 foot Coast Guard boat is towing it away from the bridge and into position to dock behind us.  John and the dockhand are preparing to slide Mary Frances forward a few feet to make room.  Five minutes after the Coast Guard pulled it free, a train came through.  Wouldn't it be terrifying to be sucked up tight against the bridge with a train screaming by next to you?

The plan is to leave early Saturday morning at slack tide and make our way to New York Harbor.

Good night.

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