Wednesday, June 13, 2012

3 States in 3 days

Wednesday, June 6th, we arose early for our trip from St. Michaels to Chesapeake City.  Due to a combination of a full moon and an especially high tide pattern, this is the site that greeted us:

Not only the docks, but the ground floors of 2 of the marina restaurants and the parking lots were all under water.  They have this problem a few times a year, but usually in the fall.  Guess we're just lucky! The dock attendant waded through the water to bring us the newspaper-that's dedication!  John walked up to the marina office a couple of times and when the water receded and he saw all of the little jellyfish on the docks, he was glad he'd rinsed the saltwater off his legs every time he got out of the water.  Everything that had been on the dock had to be rinsed before being stowed:

As we came out of Eastern Bay, we could see all of these freighters in a line and thought how unusual it was that they were all traveling at the same time.  Bloody Point Shoal Light:

This is one of the ships we saw earlier.  They were not traveling together but rather waiting for inspections or pilots so they could make their way into Baltimore.  This one is raising its anchors (notice the water rinsing the anchor chains) to get underway.

Thomas Point Shoal Light, the 4th of the screwpile lights left and the only one still being used as an aid to navigation:

     Sandy Point Shoal Light:

Turkey Point Light:

We were off the Chesapeake and into the C&D Canal, which cuts almost 300 miles from shipping between Philadelphia and Baltimore.  We arrived at Chesapeake City, Mary and John caught lines for us and we all walked to the C&D Canal Museum.  This is the steam engine that kept the canal water level when the locks still existed.  When the Corp of Engineers took over canal operations in the early 1900's, the canal was dug deep enough that sea level is maintained and the locks are no longer needed.

Some VERY large ships use this canal.  Glad we were watching from shore instead of negotiating the canal with this one.

After the museum we all wandered around the charming but tiny city.  Very nice gift shops and decent restaurants had us wondering how they can keep it going with so few people, but Rich and Carol told us later that this is place is party central every weekend.

Passport and Mary Frances in Chesapeake City:

Across the Maryland/Delaware state line and here we are in Delaware City.  A short 12 mile trip today, but tomorrow looks like a better day on Delaware Bay, which can be nasty.  Passport is in front of Mary Frances:

The lock at Delaware City.  When it was bypassed by the canal, so was the town.  Not much here but 2 more looper boats, so we have the traditional early evening gathering on the dock and make plans for tomorrow.  The others are a sailboat and 2 trawlers, so they'll need to leave earlier than we to take advantage of the tide and current.

We pick up 3 knots in the strong Delaware River current and tide, pass the other 3 boats, and have a good ride on Delaware Bay.  Through the Cape May Canal and into a slip at Canyon Club Resort Marina, Cape May, New Jersey; home port of Carol and Rich on Salt 'n Sand.  They are wonderful hosts and drive the 4 Mackinaw City boaters to the Lobster House for dinner then take us on a driving tour of this attractive and historic city.  Thursday Boreas comes in and we ask Rich when was the last time there were 3 Michigan boats in this marina at the same time-"Ummm, how 'bout never?"

A flock of fine looking Michiganders: Mary & John, Passport; Mary & John, Mary Frances; Julaine & Fred, Boreas.

New Jersey makes a nice addition to the Michigan group, right?  Rich and Carol, Salt 'n Sand:

Carol and Rich have made reservations for dinner Saturday at Freda's, a small, charming eatery with delicious food. After dinner, they say they are going to show us Wildwood.  Sounds like a pretty, peaceful, natural area, doesn't it?  Turns out they are showing us the "Jersey Shore".  There is a loooong boardwalk with vendors, carnival games, rides-a great place to people-watch:

We are all taking bets on the future of the relationship of a young couple who are about to swing in a 90 degree arc 200 feet in the air when the guy releases the catch:

Look, a roller coaster!

Slow Mary & John speed it up for a couple of minutes as both Mackinaw City crews defy gravity and speed limits:  (thanks for the picture, Julaine!)

Carol, and slow John and Mary decide to ride the giant ferris wheel and we race excitedly to the other roller coaster (actually, John said, "If you really want to, I'll go with you.")  2 corkscrews then the whole thing backward.  Quick but exhilarating:

Carol and Rich delivered 3 tired crews back to the marina.  You two are the greatest!  Thank you for the use of your slip (Salt 'n Sand is in SC) and your car but thanks most of all for your time and excellent company.

Sunday 2 more looper boats, Something Special and Glory Days came into the marina.  We spent some time on the Tom-Bigbee with Pat and Joe on Glory Days and met Sid and Evelyn briefly in Carabelle  the night before our gulf crossing.

Evelyn, Sid-Something Special; Fred, Julaine-Boreas; Mary, John-Mary Frances; Mary, John-Passport; Rich, Carol-Salt 'n Sand; Pat, Joe-Glory Days.

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