Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Cape May is a great place

Canyon Club is a fishing marina.  Rich said this scene reminds him of the sword honor guard at military weddings:

John went to the visitor center on Thursday, 6/14,  to request the self-guided walking tour brochure our AAA Travel Guide assured we could get there.  It is no longer available (we're guessing that's because you can now pay someone to take you on a guided walking tour) but the woman highlighted a route for us on the tourist map and Friday we took a walking tour of Victorian Cape May.

Carnegie Hall is about the same vintage as the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island and the interior reminded us of the Grand Hotel and the Island House.

This is the second of the WWII sub spotting towers still in Cape May.  Evidently it would have been prohibitively expensive to tear it down, so it was incorporated into the construction of the hotel:

Saturday we checked out the Coast Guard Training Base for a brisk walk and then attended Cape May's Harbor Fest. This scene brought back wonderful memories for John of basic training and officer candidate school:

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