Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Still in Norfolk

We planned to leave this morning, when the weather forecast gave us a few hours between rainstorms, but woke to rain and a different forecast, so snuggled back under the covers and watched the Today Show.  Yesterday morning one of the tubes in the downtown tunnel had to be closed because of flooding and in the afternoon we watched one particularly heavy squall through the hatch in the stateroom as wind blew the rain sideways and hail fell on our poor Mary Frances.  Lightning struck so close that we thought we'd see a sunken sailboat but, except for the dreariness, all seems well.

A crab dinghy ride?

The marina is next to the helicopter airfield.

There are several goose families here, at different stages of development.  We would enjoy them except we have to watch where we walk and once an over-protective parent wasn't going to let John get to the car.

It's dinnertime and the sky is growing darker.  We'll see what tomorrow brings.

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