Sunday, May 6, 2012

Elizabeth City

Saturday morning, May 5, we head out again to make our way down the Alligator River and across Albemarle Sound to Elizabeth City, the jumping off point for the Dismal Swamp Canal.

A boat that has made its way quickly down the canal this morning calls on the marine radio to warn all of us that there is a very large deadhead floating mid-channel right next to a marker where we enter the Alligator River.  He wasn't kidding!

Later that day the Coast Guard is broadcasting a notice to mariners to warn everyone.  Besides how much we enjoy Francine and Wayne, when we're on the water Wayne calls us on the radio when there's something we need to watch out for.

Albemarle Sound can be pretty nasty, but we have a perfect day:

Is this boat on the water or in the sky?

The 2 mile long Alligator River Swing Bridge:

This is the old Navy blimp building from WWII.   Military and civilian blimps are still produced here:

Mary Frances at Elizabeth City:

We had a very hard rain, along with thunder and lightning, between 5 and 6 pm.

 When it ended, we again spent an enjoyable evening on My Way.

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