Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Dismal Swamp

What a name, eh?  The dismal day......the dismal semester....the dismal husband........

Sometimes we go days without anything that warrants a blog entry (excuse me-aren't you retired and having an amazing adventure on your boat for a year?!) and then a day comes where everything seems to be noteworthy.

My Way and Mary Frances leave Elizabeth City, pass under the low highway bridge, then squeeze through an open railroad bridge:

Wish we'd had the camera ready to show My Way going through!  Here we are after making the passage:

There was no fuel at last night's marina and we both want full tanks for the day and our only option is Lamb's Marina, a few miles further along the Elizabeth River.  John had called the day before to make sure they had both gas and diesel and they assured him they did.  When Wayne called on the radio this morning, he was told they would have to contact the diesel truck driver so the gas-powered boat (us) should come in first.  Way back on the Tenn-Tom we ventured into the Aberdeen Marina.  We are reliving the experience today-can you see the marina?

The white plastic stakes mark the channel:

At the gas dock:

My Way came in behind us as directed, but we wondered if there would be room for us to pass when Wayne headed for the fuel dock as we went back to the river.  The harbormaster directed My Way into a slip and an attendant drove the diesel truck there to fuel My Way (extreme left in photo):

On the way out:

Okay, that was fun.  Looking back at the railroad bridge:

Until we came on this trip, we thought the brown "mustache" some boats sport was caused by salt water.  Now we know it is caused by tannins in river water.  It is about the color of really strong coffee or the stout beer John likes.

If 2 trees are going to fall across the narrow waterway, wouldn't you think they'd have the decency to not fall directly across from each other?

Lined up for the lock that will bring us into the Dismal Swamp:

Michel is holding a line to keep the boat close to the lock wall, as is Mary in the foreground. My Way will proceed all the way through the canal today, while we'll spend the night.  Goodbye, Michel, we enjoyed meeting you. 

The Dismal Swamp Canal:

We thought we were settled in for the night,

but one more boat came up the canal and asked to raft.

Silvia and Dirk, on the sailboat Lison Life, are finishing a loop trip, just not the one the rest of us are doing-they are returning to their Michigan home after a 3 year sail around the world.  Charlie and Bonnie, finishing their second loop aboard Sonata tomorrow in Portsmouth, invite all of us, including Carl and Glenda from Gold Leaf for a visit.

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