Sunday, January 22, 2012

Old Friends-sorry, nobody's old! We mean long friendships!

Tuesday we met Suki & Hal at 8am for a bike ride.  We stopped for that good Cuban coffee and actually rode 14 miles.  We had lunch at Garbo's Grill, which has become our favorite, then showed them the lizards and goats.  We attended the Sunset Festival,

then decided to try Amigo's for square tacos.  Everything is made on-site and it was very good.  Printed on their shirts and cups is, "Once you've ruined your reputation, you can live quite freely."  We could see both Sloppy Joe's from our seats there:

Captian Tony's used to be Sloppy Joe's but when the rent was raised, patrons moved everything one night to a new location a block away.

We were sharing meals, making it a progressive dinner, but after Amigo's we went to Margaritaville and were too full to go anywhere else.  We lost track of time and were greeted by a $25.00 parking ticket when we returned to the car.

Wednesday Mike & Lynn came to the boat.  John and Mike met in the Michigan National Guard back when John was a captain and Mike was a lieutenant and now they are both brigadier generals.  Lynn and Mary got to know each other through many years of military balls and other military functions.  We went to Sigsbee to purchase discount tickets to tour the Key West Lighthouse, planning to do that after lunch.  They wanted to see the first Margaritaville and, while we were having lunch there,  a thunder storm erupted and the power went out to some of the businesses on Duval Street.  Since it's not a good idea to climb a tower during a thunderstorm, and lightning had struck very close to the tower, we decided to make that visit the next day and showed them the goats and lizards, instead. Yes, we do visit them often, but everyone seems to love them!  There is also an almost-submersible (only about 3 feet of the boat was out of the water when it was underway) drug boat  on this base.  It was captured by the coast guard in 2006 with over 4 tons of cocaine on board.

The sunset celebration was windy, but did not disappoint.

They then took us out for a very nice dinner at Hot Tin Roof and we all headed back to the boat for the night.  Thursday morning we toured the lighthouse.  As Lynn, Mike, John, and Mary were walking around the platform at the top of the lighthouse tower, we looked down and spotted Hal, standing outside the Hemingway House:

Before long, Suki joined us at the top of the light tower.  All 6 of us went to Sloppy Joe's for lunch:

Mike and Lynn left

and we went to Suki and Hal's townhouse to watch a new PBS documentary about Flagler and his train.  We went to Bagatelle for dinner, as our kids had eaten there and liked it.  We called Matthew for recommendations and he told us what they had especially enjoyed.  We said our good-byes, as they were leaving Friday morning, and we returned to Mary Frances.

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