Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Happy New Year

We loved having our kids here for the holidays.  We miss them when they return to their real lives (without us!) and we look forward to our next time together.

The real NCIS:

After John took Benj and Sarah to the airport Monday, we straightened the boat and washed sheets and towels to be ready for company again.  Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday we rode our bikes 10 miles along the ocean, read, enjoyed the sunshine, visited with other boaters, marveled at the sunsets and the daytime moon, commented on the weather back home, enjoyed the blue skies, and spent time being glad we are able to be here and to enjoy it.  Friday we drove up to Marathon to look at the Coast Guard cottages that are available for rent (maybe next year?), drove around the bat tower at Sugarland Key-a man in the 1930's thought the answer to the mosquito problem in the Keys was bats, so built a 70 foot bathouse to attract them.  Unfortunately, as far as anyone can figure, no bat ever came close. 

The old and the new 7 mile bridges:

We finally found the Key Deer Visitor Center tucked into a corner of a mall.  It was closed, but a sign informed us where to drive to the Key Deer Refuge.  Tourist info informs that these deer are the size of a large dog, but don't picture great danes or mastiffs-they are more golden retriever-size:

No, that's not snow, just sand.

Key Deer generously share their habitat with other wildlife:

Saturday we rode all the way around the island of Key West, a little over 12 miles, mostly on bike paths and almost all along the ocean or the gulf.  We walked for 30 minutes on Truman Annex, admiring the afore-mentioned goats and lizards.  In the evening, we had dinner at Foster's before attending "Forbidden Broadway" at the Red Barn Theater.  What a fun spoof of the Broadway musicals and stars we know and love.  Sunday we reversed our bike route so we'd be through town before traffic picked up but agreed we both like the other direction better, as we're on the right side to watch the water.  Another walk, then back to the boat to check the oil and the sea strainers and start the engines, since we haven't run them since moving to this slip on 12/15.

Monday back to the clockwise 12 mile bike route, but with a diversion that may become a necessary daily stop-a Cuban coffee shop on the old waterfront.  Another walk on Truman Annex, again past the goats and lizards, then back to Boca Chica to wash the boat and sort the mail Jo sent.  Can anyone explain why some of our mail is still not being forwarded?!  Thanks, Jo, for checking and sending it.

We have added more planes to our list, a C-5 was here for a couple of days, John hadn't seen one of those since Vietnam.  It is the largest plane in the military inventory-it is HUGE.  We also saw an Army National Guard Sherpa and it looks like its nickname: flying Winnebago.

We faxed a reservation request for the week of the 4th of July to Liberty Landing State Park in New Jersey-wouldn't it be wonderful to watch the New York City fireworks?!  When Suki and Hal called, we met them at the front gate and accompanied them to Trumbo Point (one of the bases that make up Naval Air Station Key West) to check them into the townhouse they will occupy during their visit.  We all went down to Hard Rock Cafe on Duval Street then made plans to meet in the morning for a bike ride. After taking them back, we returned to the boat, happily carrying the bottle of Michigan cherry wine they brought for us.

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