Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Christmas is for Children

Christmas Eve we visited the Custom House Museum and the Little White House, where President Truman spent time when he was in office.  The kids took the Conch Train ride to get an overview of the city and its history, then we had a Christmas Eve dinner buffet at Casa Marina, a Flagler hotel built when he was developing the overseas railroad and the Florida tourism industry.  Even though we were stuffed, we took a ghost tour then moved back to base to get to sleep before Santa came.

Christmas morning our 4 sweeties came to the boat to see if Santa had visited.  Since all of us were darn near perfect this year, there was no coal in any stocking.  We had funfetti pancakes (Christine loves funfetti cake and frosting, so we couldn't resist when we found funfetti pancake mix) and eggs cooked to order by John while Matthew grilled sausage.  The babies got John 2 shirts and 2 hats embroidered with the tank battalion he was in for 17 years and commanded for 6 years and which no longer exists:

The kids visited and snorkeled at Fort Zachary Taylor State Park then came back to snorkel on base  while we joined a potluck Christmas dinner at the marina.  On the 26th we all went to the East Martello Museum, a pre-Civil War Fort.  While local history and art are featured, we were all curious about Robert, the haunted doll.  We also took pictures for next year's Christmas card:

We took them to the Truman Annex, another part of the Naval Air Station, to see some World War I fortifications.  The ground is so contaminated that people shouldn't be there, so they use "organic lawn care" and the goats and lizards coexist peacefully:

We went back to Boca Chica and the Young'uns tried paddleboarding then decided they like kayaking better:

Later, Mary and Christine read on the beach while John used fabric softener on the lines (ropes) and Matthew, Sarah and Benj snorkeled. We took a picture to send to our friend, Memo, who had his mother bring Hard Rock Cafe Istanbul shirts for our 4:

 On the 27th, we had lunch at the Square Grouper, mile marker 22.5 (you should try it!) then Christine and Matthew headed home while Mary, John, Sarah, and Benj traveled to the Everglades.  We saw lots of alligators before moving to Homestead Air Reserve Base to spend the night:

After Sarah and Mary won a couple of euchre games, we went to bed to be ready for the next day's adventures.  We went to Flamingo Visitor Center to see manatee:

We also saw roseate spoonbills.  As Benj kept proclaiming, "They're so pink!"  Sarah and Benj walked further on a path looking for flamingos and instead saw a diamondback rattler.  After recovering, they snorkeled at John Pennekamp State Park then we had dinner at Smugggler's Cove and headed back to the boat and to bed.

Sarah had check-out dives the next 2 days.  She took scuba classes in Boston, but was not excited about jumping into 40 degree water to complete her certification so scheduled her final activities here.  Benj accompanied her and she passed easily and they both enjoyed the trips to the reef.

New Year's Eve we had to get up early to catch the ferry to Dry Tortugas National Park.  Mary and Benjer had colds (we love you anyway, Sarah!) so rested on the trip:

Loggerhead Light:

 Fort Jefferson, which never saw battle but served as a military prison during the Civil War, its most well-known resident Dr. Samuel Mudd, who treated John Wilkes Booth's broken leg:

A frigate bird:

 We had a tour of the fort:

Then Benj and Sarah snorkeled while Mary read and enjoyed the sunshine and John further explored the fort:

We had dinner at Jimmy Buffet's first Margaritaville, then saw the new Sherlock Holmes movie, which we all enjoyed.  Walking back to the boat, Benj pointed out this sea creature:

After a long internet search, Benj and Sarah called to us (we'd gone to bed) that it appears to be a Spotted Sea Hare.  It seems too graceful and beautiful to be a sea slug.

Happy New Year!  We went to the house Hemingway lived in during his Key West years.  We think Benj and Sarah may have been more interested in the 6 toed cats, but who are we to question a biostatistician and a laywer?!  This kitty obviousy doesn't care that the sign says "please do not sit on the furniture":

We went to Mallory Square for the sunset ceremony and got to see the performing cats.  This kitty jumped through fire:

Our last evening together:

On Monday, January 2, 2012, John took Benj and Sarah to the airport at 6:30 am for their flight home to Boston.