Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Midland to Tobermory

Wednesday, August 15, Paul drove Mary's car from home to Midland, Ontario so she could go to Chicago, where her brother, Bill, was in hospice.  John and Paul hoped to leave the next day for Tobermory, but spent 3 days in Midland in the rain.  They installed a new hard drive in the nav computer.  We considered finishing the trip with paper charts, but the depth sounder is tied into the nav system and we sure didn't want to travel Georgian Bay without one.  Between rain showers, Paul and John walked around Midland to view the 34 murals:

Rest in peace, Bill.  Mary's brother died Thursday, August 9.

This sculpture was in the park on front of the Midland marina:

Saturday's forecast was good so Mary Frances headed out:

3/4 of the trip was fine, then the waves built to 2-3 feet and became 3-4 footers when we made the turn toward Tobermory.  At rest in Tobermory:

There are a lot of tour and dive boats here:

Waiting for the ferry to Manitoulin Island:

The ferry:

Cars are parked on 2 levels,

The ramp is lowered when the cars on the first level are out of the way:

We moved the boat to the end of the dock Sunday, as Monday's forecast was good and we wanted to be at the gas dock when it opened:

Another walk in Tobermory:

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