Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Georgian Bay

A beautiful run again today:

Swift Rapids Lock, the highest lift lock on the waterway-47 feet.  You are told not to cleat your lines off, just hook them around the cleat and hang on to them, as they cannot stop once they start filling or emptying the lock:

Approaching the Big Chute Marine Railway, there are boats coming down on our side:

We are able to watch as the next group of boats enters,

Begins their ride,

And starts down the other side:

After watching another group come our way, we think we have a pretty good idea what to expect:

Our turn:

John doesn't often get to sit on the bow in locks:


We continue on to Port Severn for the night:

We spent the night in Port Severn, only 1 more lock to go.  We forgot to take a picture, but Mary's credit card wouldn't go through so she checked online and, sure enough, it had been compromised. Which one of you stole her number and made 11 $200.00 purchases/withdrawals at Wal-Mart in Boca Raton?!

While we were registering, another couple, also on a 380 SeaRay Sundancer, was in the office inquiring about electrical service at the docks.  There was only 1 50 amp service where he was. John had checked and there were 2 30's at our dock so he offered the use of our 50 amp splitter (they cost $300.00).  They gratefully agreed and we went back to hook up our power.  You guessed it-only one plug worked.  We laughed and got out our 30 amp splitter, turned off one air conditioner and went out for dinner, as we can't run the ac and the stove on one 30 (what a tough choice!).

Through the last lock and into Georgian Bay:

Approaching Midland, Ontario and the largest outdoor mural in the world:

Mary Frances at her dock in Midland:

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