Sunday, March 4, 2012

Just another day in Paradise

The marine forecast gave us 1/2 day of good travel weather Wednesday, so we could either move to Marathon and pay $2.50 per foot per night plus electricity until the marine forecast improves in about a week or stay here in Paradise and pay .85 per foot.  Hmmmmmm.....tough decision, eh?

While Jo was visiting, John drove to Key Largo, the nearest SeaRay dealer, to buy a new lockset for the bathroom door.  The latch had stopped working and we had grown tired of folding 3 layers of John's bath towel into it to make it stay closed.  Neither marine supply store or the Ace Hardware in Key West had what we needed, so we had to suck it up and pay the $300.00 SeaRay charged.  Oh, well.

Several Canadian units have been here at Boca Chica for training.  One of their C-130's had a hydraulic  fire shortly after takeoff.  It was set up as an aerial tanker so had an additional 3,000 gallons of fuel aboard.  The crew landed it safely and the fire chief told John they were about 100 yards from the plane and running like crazy when the firefighters arrived.  The fire-fighting team did their job and the damaged plane still sits here as a Canadian team investigates.

Today marine forecasts call for very rough seas and winds to 35 knots with gusts up to 45.  Small craft advisories have been issued and no improvement is called for through Thursday, so it looks like another FEW days in paradise........ Uh oh. John just called.  He rode his bike to the nearest gas station to get a Sunday paper and now he's hiding from the rain under the overpass at the entrance to base.  The VERY black, scary skies have moved on, but it's pouring now.  At least the salt is getting washed off everything.

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