Monday, March 19, 2012

Jupiter to Patrick Air Force Base

Friday, March 16

We had a very pretty run today. We are out of the congestion and there aren't as many "slow" zones.

Jupiter Inlet Light:

A pretty stretch of the ICW:

Patrick Air Force Base is close to Cape Canaveral and part of its mission is to support NASA.  John says it's a pretty base and the commissary and exchange are close to the marina.  Mary will check it out when we return from Michigan, as she twisted her ankle when she slipped off the step getting on the boat when we first arrived and spent the first afternoon with her foot elevated and ice on her ankle.

Mary Frances settled in for a long stay:

Saturday, March 17

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Gloria is decked out for the occasion:

John went for a bike ride while Mary rested her ankle then we had a corned beef dinner at the little marina bar.  The meal cost $3.00.  We paid $2.75 per foot for dockage at Jupiter, $2.50 in Marathon (each night), and $2.00 in Miami.  The cost here is 95 cents a foot per day.

Sunday we both read and discussed that we should finish our taxes and pack up the things we're taking home (like Christmas decorations) but got no further than talking about it.  John rode his bike to the beach.  We'll get a rental car tomorrow and start home.

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