Wednesday, August 3, 2016

 Before leaving Cody, Wyoming, we stopped by the Buffalo Bill Center of the West to see the outdoor sculptures that have been added since our last visit in 1989. Buffalo Bill as a pony express rider:

Why is it always "Lewis and Clark" and not "Lewis and  Clark and Sacajawea"? We found this statue especially touching:

And we thought Shepherd was small!

Pronghorn antelope:

The scenery, once again, was amazing:

The arms in the right foreground close the road when necessary in winter.

The Mt. Rushmore facility has changed a lot since we last were here. In 1989, we just parked and walked toward the mountain. This visit, we paid $11.00 to park in the ramp then approached the monument by way of a long walkway with all of the state flags mounted on pillars with plaques commemorating statehood dates. Think this would be considered defacing our natural resources today? Still awfully impressive!

The Badlands Suite at Ellsworth Air Force Base near Rapid City:

We made a quick stop at Wall Drugs. There are not signs and advertisements promoting this tourist attraction for hundreds of miles like there used to be.

Badlands National Park:

Bighorn sheep:

We're pretty sure this is the hike we took in 1989 when we took the boys out west. One of then 4-year -old Benjamin's most vivid memories of that trip is that Matthew (7) fell in the Badlands and skinned his knee and Mom blew on it to stop the stinging.

We next stopped at Minuteman Missile National Historic Site. The visitor center includes displays about the cold war and a mockup of a control room where 2 officers would have launched the missiles if so ordered.

On into Minnesota and more visits with family. We checked IHG facilities and found we could stay 2 nights free at the Holiday Inn Express in Rogers with reward club points. We'll take it! We had dinner at a restaurant in Stillwater on the St. Croix River. Scenery was nice,

but 7 month old great-niece Eleanora stole the show:

Shawn is Mary's brother Jack's son, this is his wife Jena and their daughter Eleanora, who smiled most of the evening except when it was picture time.


We met our niece, Jackie and our great-niece, Autumn for lunch, as Autumn wasn't available for a family gathering later in the day.


Mary's brother, Steve and his wife, Lisa arranged a family get-together at their place.  Their son, Dylan and newest family member, Copper are also pictured here. Their daughter, Shelby, stayed at school in Fargo, ND, this summer but we hope to visit with her when she comes to Michigan later this summer.

This is Jackie with the rest of her family, her husband Jeremiah and daughters Allie and Ivy (in her dad's arms). Jackie is Mary's brother Jack's daughter.

This is Mary's oldest brother, Jack. We're sure that he would point out that, even though he's her oldest brother, she's still a year and a half older than he is!

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