Saturday, February 25, 2012

More fun in the Keys

Wednesday, February 1st, we interrupted our bike ride to walk out on the docks at Galleon Marina to see if Rich and Carol on Salt 'n Sand were aboard.  They had let us know they were coming to Key West and it was wonderful to see them.  We made arrangements to spend time together on Friday.

We showed them the lizards and goats, of course, and would someone please tell these 2 lizards to "get a room"?!

We told them that we often see flowerpot sponges along the bike path by the ocean so we stopped to pick a couple up:

 No matter how many times Rich rinsed them, however, they still smelled.  Now we understand why some local shop owner doesn't gather them each day to sell.  We went to Garbo's Grill for lunch, showed them our marina and took them shopping (remember, landlubbers, most of us on this trip don't have access to a car very often) then they treated us to dinner at Flaming Buoys.

Monday, 2/6, we went to the airport to meet John's sister, Jo.  After lunch we took her to see the lizards and goats:

 We took Jo on a driving tour then to the boat.  We saw and did a lot during Jo's visit, including watching special forces troops jumping from helicopters into the water:

 The eagle chicks are finally big enough that we can see them:

We went to the Key West Botanical Gardens:

 and to West Martello, the remains of a Civil War fort that the Key West Garden Club has transformed into a gorgeous, peaceful oasis:

When we ate at Sloppy Joe's, we had unusual company:

Saturday we took Jo to the big flea market and to see Key Deer at Big Pine Key.  Sunday we drove to the Everglades.  On the way we had a view of Fat Albert that we hadn't seen before:

 The weather was cold and windy, so alligators were scarce, but we hardly missed them, as other animals and birds entertained us.

A wood stork:

These vultures were actually tearing a rubber strip from the top of this car:

A better view of a Roseate Spoonbill than we saw with Sarah and Benj:


 The manatee were putting on a show and we saw a single Black Skimmer, who stayed behind when his flock left for the winter.

Jo had to leave Tuesday, Valentine's Day.  It's wonderful to have family visit, but a little sad when they leave.  That evening we had dinner with Carol and Rich at Pepe's, the oldest restaurant in Key West.  We joined Kathy and Garth from Algonquin at their table.

More planes:  We've spotted a C-17 and the electronics version of the Intruder.  Students training for aircraft carriers were here for a few days.  The runways were painted to look like carrier decks and they practiced here before venturing out for landings on a real carrier.

Only 3 days before more company arrives.  Have to do laundry and clean the boat.....

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