Thursday, November 24, 2011

Panama City and Carrabelle

While it was raining Saturday, John did some laundry.  It's a bit of a challenge putting sheets on the bed:

We left Pensacola Sunday morning at 8:30.  We heard Passport on the radio, so butted in and had a short radio visit with John and Mary, whom we hadn't seen since the rendesvous.  We passed Lauren Grace, Eagle One, and Passport then let Mary Frances have her head and were in Panama City before 4 pm.

We've driven over this bridge from Pensacola to Fort Pickens many times.  Here's a slightly different view:

Our wake is much foamier in salt water.

Here's Mary taking a picture of Mary taking a picture of Mary.....

Isn't Passport handsome underway?

The Gulf Intracoastal from Pensacola to Panama City varies.  Cypress swamp:

Man-made cut, the Grand Canyon of the GICW (Gulf Intracoastal Waterway):

Marshy grasslands:

At Panama City, we walked to the only restaurant in walking distance that was open Sunday, Bayou Joe's.  It's built over the water (evidently Florida law no longer allows this, so as these places are destroyed by storms, this old Florida tradition dies) and the very large catfish love any leftovers.  We didn't take the camera to dinner, but here's Mary Frances in her slip at Panama City Municipal Marina:

We traveled from Panama City to Carrabelle Monday to be ready to make the Gulf Crossing to Tarpon Springs as soon as weather permits. We have had dolphins swimming near our boat, but it's much easier to take a picture when they're swimming under someone else's bow:

The GICW between Panama City and Carrabelle:

They need to bring  a snagboat through here.  Dodged a lot of sticks, logs, trees; had one "thunk" but all seems fine.

Will there be room for us to squeeze through? This scene reminded us of entering the Manistee River back in August!  These fishermen are gathered at a spot where there is a way out to the gulf from the intracoastal:

A casualty of the last big storm?

At Appalachiocola, the waterway leaves the sheltered, narrow path and moves out into Appalachiocola Bay.  Um, John, that looks like a Coast Guard boat behind us and its blue lights are flashing...

After a courtesy safety inspection, we were back underway.  Before we noticed the Coast Guard boat, we were conversing by radio with Harbour Reach.  After our inspection, the coaties visited Mary and Bill.

Oyster harvesting:

We arrived at Carrabelle Monday, fueled, moved into our slip and prepared to make the most of our time here, as it will be a long visit.  The forecast is not conducive to a gulf crossing.  This town has been badly affected by the economy.  We had a hard time finding a restaurant open for lunch yesterday (Wednesday) and gave up looking for a possibility for Thanksgiving dinner out.  We are the only loopers in this marina-those slower boats are still in Panama City and those who were here ahead of us left Monday, the last good traveling day (the day we arrived).

This morning, we watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade.  We are planning a "Thansgiving dinner in a sandwich" with cranberry sauce and John is marinating beets and green beans for a salad side dish.  We've talked to our kids and we'll watch Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving later today.  We are thankful that we have the opportunity to have this adventure and that we have people who care enough about us to follow this blog. Happy Thanksgiving.

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