Saturday, October 29, 2011

Back on the water

There's a little more color on that hill than there was when we arrived at Joe Wheeler State Park almost a month ago.

The speakers at the rendesvous gave us lots of information about the next leg of our journey, plus there was lots of food, wine, and good company.  For a couple of meals we sat with the couple who received recognition for having traveled the furthest to do the loop-Mike and Gail from Queensland, Australia.  Thursday evening, after the rendesvous ended and many boats had gone, we enjoyed drinks and good conversation with them aboard their boat, Happy Hour V.

A lifeboat demonstration at the rendesvous-hard to believe this little bundle will grow to accommodate 4 people:

Many boats left early Thursday morning:

We left Friday, but not early, as this was how the day greeted us:

Two locks and a cold (high 40's) ride down the river and we were back in Florence.  There was frost on the pumpkins this morning, so we waited until 11 to take a walk.  It's noon now and we're getting ready to move to the gas dock, then back on the water.  We plan to be on the Tenn-Tom when we stop for the night.

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