Friday, August 12, 2011

A Tuggsy Tragedy

Tuggsy's last sail

Our niece, Lisa, her husband Dave and their 3 sons were camping at Ludington State Park, so came to the boat to visit.  The boys were playing with Tuggsy-Tug, tossing him in the water and retrieving him, as many other kids have done.

20 years of sitting in the summer sun had made the plastic brittle and poor Tuggsy broke apart.  We've had a Tuggsy on the boat since Matthew was old enough to play with one.  We had 2 for a while (2 boys, 2 boats) but the other one broke years ago.  We've looked online and locally, but cannot find another.

Lisa and family watching the Badger come in

The boys drove John's radio controlled boat without incident and we had a nice visit.

Thursday morning we left for Pentwater.  They are having their annual homecoming celebration here and we attended a strawberry shortcake social that evening and listened to the Pentwater Civic band and the Scottville Clown Band in concert.

Today, Friday, we are relaxing at our sloshy tieup along the wall at Snug Harbor Marina (the municipal marina has only one 30 amp service at each slip and we need 2) and cleaning.

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